MULTITEC - Productos químicos G2Green - Fabricante de productos químicos de limpieza


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CHARACTERISTICS: Authorized by DGSP for: Environmental and Food Industry Use, Reg. No.: 20-20/40-10595 and 20- 20/40-10595-HA. Contact disinfection. AUTHORIZED BOTH FOR USE BY PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL AND FOR USE BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC. CONTACT DISINFECTION: SURFACES.

EFFECTIVENESS: MULTITEC complies with the biocidal efficacy standards according to the norms:
UNE EN 13697: chemical antiseptics and disinfectants. Quantitative non-porous surface test for the evaluation of bactericidal and/or fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in food products, in industry, in the home and in the community. Complies with the UNE-EN 13697 Standard under DIRTY conditions for specific purposes with the test microorganisms Salmonella typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes.

UNE EN 14476: Complies with NF-EN 14476 Standard in dirty conditions, at a concentration of 80%, with 5 minutes of contact and at 20 oC of temperature, for specific purposes with Adenovirus type 5 and murine Norovirus test microorganisms.and against enveloped viruses (Coronavirus, HIV, Influenza A H1N1, Herpesviridae, Hepatitis B, C and D, Measles, Rubella, etc.), at 20oC and 5 min of contact, so it is also suitable for surfaces close to patients.