This is what consumers look to detergents and cleaning products. - Productos químicos G2Green - Fabricante de productos químicos de limpieza

Cleaning power, compatibility with fabrics and surfaces, always effective, leaving no residue, with low toxicity for people and the environment and with clear instructions, are some of the characteristics most demanded by consumers. That’s why G2 Green’s 3.0 formulas adapt to any need.


This is what consumers look to detergents and limpieza_G2GREEN_ products

Expectations management. It is clearer than water in which detergents and other cleaning products are dissolved…. When any person acquires a good or a service, he expects certain things from him. If it is a car, the basic thing is that it has four wheels, steering wheel and an engine to get anywhere. That is essential to fulfill its function and from there it is something that depends on the tastes and expectations of each consumer. The normal thing is that you want to do it also at the best price, in the fastest, most comfortable and effective way, and if possible with the minimum environmental impact. Everyone has their own. The same goes for mobile phones, household appliances or even the internet provider. Well,
with cleaning products it could not be less
. It’s a bit the same…

Everything consumers expect from cleaning products

#1 Effectiveness (cleaning power): As simple and at the same time as complicated as fulfilling the function for which it was developed. That is, it works and is able to effectively remove stains, grease and other residues from the surfaces and fabrics to be washed. Thus, the cleaning power of a detergent lies in its ability to break them down. For this reason, they contain surfactants that reduce the surface tension of water thus allowing it to penetrate the fibers and disperse dirt. However, you always have to keep in mind that not all cleaning products are good for everything.

According to studies by the American Cleaning Institute, the effectiveness of a detergent to remove stains can depend on various factors such as chemical composition, water temperature and exposure time.

#2 Compatibility: Essential to avoid damage. It must be safe for garments and surfaces. No one wants clothes to fade or fade or marble countertops to lose their natural shine. For example, detergents formulated for delicate garments contain mild enzymes and neutral pH so
as not to compromise the integrity of the fibers
. Perfect for wool or silk, but never other alkaline that make them lose part of their appearance affecting softness and elasticity. Also according to a report from the University of Illinois, alkaline cleaning products can corrode certain metals.

This is what consumers look to detergents and limpieza_G2GREEN_3 products

#3 Effectiveness in different conditions: Always effective and available. They must operate at all times regardless of the conditions of use. Among the most determining factors are the water, whether hard or soft, and the temperature at which it is found, cold or hot. For example, a liquid detergent, and more if its formulation includes enzymes usually has more capacity to remove protein and fat stains in cold water than a conventional detergent powder. Everyone has their own. In addition, with this last type of cleaners is highly valued a feature more…

G2 Green has been formulating highly concentrated, effective, cost-effective and sustainable products that help simplify professional cleaning processes for over 30 years. 3.0 formulas specially developed to cover any need.

#4 Without leaving any residue: Always perfect results at first sight. Easy to rinse after washing. No sticky debris, veils on surfaces or visible fences on tissues. Undoubtedly, one of the main characteristics of high-quality detergents is that they dissolve easily and are completely removed. This prevents the accumulation of residues that can irritate the skin or leave new spots. Maximum effectiveness even in cold water. In addition, when it comes to cleaning, less is usually synonymous with more. More quantity is usually not better but quite the opposite. Therefore,
all G2 Green products
are highly concentrated in active ingredients.

G2 Green hand disinfection and cleaning products

#5 Safety and low toxicity: Essential. They must be safe for the user and, of course, also for the environment. With ingredients that are not harmful to human health or ecosystems. Thus, it is increasingly common to find chemical-free cleaners such as Don Bio Fresh from G2 Green that take advantage of the natural action of enzymes to
eliminate a wide variety of stains, dirt and odors
. Also others with
certifications such as Ecolabel
that guarantee that their impact on aquatic environments is much lower than, for example, those containing phosphates or chlorinated compounds.


Ecolabel is the European Union’s official voluntary eco-label for environmental excellence that certifies products with an independently guaranteed low environmental impact.

#6 Clear and precise instructions: There is no doubt. Cleaning products that are easier to apply and rinse are preferred by customers. In addition, packaging with precise dispensers facilitates measurement and prevents waste. However, the most important thing is on the label. For all to see. Clear instructions ensure effective use. Information on the proper amount, water temperature and safety precautions are essential to avoid problems in washing and ensure the durability of clothing and surfaces.

Cleaning and disinfection in supermarkets G2 Green

Other characteristics of detergents highly valued by users

Many more things matter when choosing the most suitable product. It matters a lot, that it has a pleasant fragrance or that it does not generate too much foam, but also the price, the recommendations and opinions of other users or the packaging. Also the speed of action, it is already known that time is money; resistance to future stains, because prevention is always better than cure; compatibility with certain household appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers; the precise dosage on the packaging itself or even the material with which it is made; and without forgetting the price and profitability.

According to a Grand View Research report, the demand for eco-friendly cleaning products will continue to rise due to growing environmental awareness and concern for sustainability from consumers.

The list is endless… For all these reasons, and some more, taking into account the tastes and preferences of consumers,
G2 Green has developed a complete range of cleaning products
, which meet each and every one of these requirements. The real
power of specialization
with cleaners highly concentrated in active ingredients at the best price to ensure maximum profitability. Formulas designed by and for the user always thinking about efficiency and the environment to try to minimize the impact of their customers’ actions on the environment. Think big, clean gre

Ecolabel G2 Green