The sink countertop, bathroom faucets, curtains and blinds, sheets and mattresses, the TV remote control, cabinet handles and interiors, carpets and upholstery… They are the main critical cleaning points in hotel rooms and G2 Green has the most suitable products to make them feel that they are the first to use them.

Cleaning hotels critical points G2 Green

Home sweet home. Feeling at home is the key to repeat stays in the same hotel or even to recommend it to friends or family. No wonder. 87% of guests would be willing to leave a room if it did not meet their expectations in terms of hygiene and disinfection. Not to mention that they are the first comments you look for before confirming a reservation. There are a multitude of studies and surveys that confirm this. It is no secret. Everyone knows it, although many do not even want to think about it. The place with the most dirt and bacteria is always the sink countertop, but each thing in its own time and that is the time to take to clean and disinfect it. However, it’s not just about baths and sheets.

87% of hotel guests would be willing to leave their rooms if they did not meet their expectations for hygiene and disinfection and more than 95% are the first thing they look at in reviews before making a reservation.

By the way, more than 300 people have slept on that same mattress in the last months, more than 50 children have jumped on it and it would be better not to continue listing the things that have happened there… There is more, as many heads have rested on the pillow; hundreds of hands have left their footprints on the window panes; another important number of clients have cleaned their bodies in the bathtub and more than 500 have looked naked in the mirror of that same room. That’s why the first impression is the one that counts. The most important thing is that when a customer opens the door to their room, they have the impression that no one has ever been there before. In other words, they are the first to use it. Yes, the same feeling as when a car is released.

Puntos críticos de limpieza en habitaciones de hotel en los que más se fijan los clientes

Nor is it a question of the category of the hotel, although everything has an influence, because the only star of hotels should be cleanliness and disinfection in all areas, spaces and objects in the room. The dirtiest and most complicated thing to clean is not in the bathroom but outside it. The sink countertop, bathroom faucets, curtains and blinds, sheets and mattresses, the TV remote control, cabinet handles and interiors, carpets and upholstery… The list goes on and on. There are many more. These are just some of the main critical points and what customers pay most attention to:

  • Cortinas y persianas: el elemento más grande de la habitación y el primero que se ve tras cruzar la puerta. A simple vista y, sin duda, la primera impresión es la que cuenta. Además, al contrario que como sucede con otros textiles de la estancia, no se limpian cada vez que se cambia de huésped. Solo se hace unas pocas veces al año y durante todo ese tiempo acumulan polvo, ácaros y se impregnan de olores ambientales. Por fortuna, ya no se fuma en los hoteles, pero tampoco hay que descuidarlas.

G2 Green curtain disinfection

  • El mando a distancia del televisor (y otros dispositivos electrónicos): ¡Qué levante la mano quien, al llegar a un hotel, y tras dejar las maletas, no se tumba en la cama para encender el televisor! Todo el mundo lo hace para descansar por un momento después del largo viaje. Más complicado de desinfectar. A los propios circuitos eléctricos hay que sumarle que tienen infinidad de huecos y rendijas en las que se acumula la suciedad y que favorecen la proliferación de bacterias. Lo mismo pasa con los interruptores y también con el teléfono de las mesitas. Siempre en contacto con la boca y el oído del cliente.

G2 GREEN remote control hotel critical points cleaning

  • Los tiradores de los armarios (los pomos de las puertas y las llaves de la habitación): Después del breve descanso llega el momento de deshacer el equipaje. Todo para tener siempre la ropa impecable y sin arrugas. Pues no hay forma humana de abrir la puerta del armario sin usar el tirador. Además, con un agravante. Cuantas más veces se abra y se cierre mayor será el número de gérmenes que se vayan acumulando. También es algo que pasa con la del baño o de la habitación y, por supuesto, con la tarjeta que la abre. De puertas para dentro todo debe estar limpio y desinfectado, pero para fuera, aún más.

    Limpieza puntos críticos hotel armarios

But that’s not the end of the story, and among the critical points of hotel room cleanliness are others that are just as important, if not more so. From the headboard to lean against to read or watch TV, the bed runner and even the cushions without a cover that are used as decoration or the desk table. Also the minibar because of its special humidity conditions and because it is always in contact with food and beverages, or the coffee and tea warmers. They all need special attention and G2 Green has the most suitable cleaning, hygiene and disinfection products. However, when it comes to doing so, not everything goes.

Whatever the need in hotels and lodgings, there is a G2 Green product that guarantees maximum hygiene and disinfection at the lowest cost. Optimization of resources without neglecting the total satisfaction of all customers and guests.

La increíble sensación de estrenar siempre habitación con G2 Green

No surface or space can resist G2 Green. Maximum efficiency without forgetting savings and profitability. Time is money, but so is cleanliness. On average, it takes 20 to 25 minutes to leave a hotel room in perfect condition, but this should not be an excuse to eliminate all critical points without having to increase available resources. G2 products are highly concentrated in active ingredients to ensure maximum hygiene and disinfection.

  • G2 Limpiador WC Forte es un potente ácido desincrustante especialmente indicado para la eliminación de la suciedad persistente como sarro, cal, óxido, … sobre las superficies de inodoros y sanitarios. Además, está formulado con ácidos inorgánicos y humectantes que permiten obtener excelentes resultados en incrustaciones difíciles.
  • G2 Flash Action: Limpiador concentrado de gran poder desengrasante. Además, por su elevado contenido en bioalcoholes proporciona excelentes propiedades disolventes de la suciedad permitiendo un autosecado rápido y eficaz. Perfecto para duchas, azulejos, paredes lavables, mesas, frigoríficos, suelos de terrazo, plásticos… Sin residuos al evaporarse y con un agradable perfume que permanece en el ambiente.
  • G2 Amoniaco Pino: De fórmula mejorada para eliminar más fácil y rápidamente la suciedad y marcas incrustadas en toda clase de superficies dejando un agradable olor a limpio. Excelente detergente limpiador que produce una pequeña cantidad de espuma que desaparece a los pocos segundos para que el polvo en suspensión no vuelva a depositarse.

Whatever the need in hotels and lodgings, there is a G2 Green product that guarantees maximum hygiene and disinfection at the lowest cost. In addition, in line with all those establishments in which respect for the environment and the reduction of the impact of their actions on nature is part of their philosophy, it has a wide range of products and services. range of Ecolabel-certified professional cleaners.. The highest European distinction in sustainability. Everything so that any guest opening the door of the room for the first time has the incredible sensation of feeling like they are entering the room for the first time.

Join G2 Green, join the change.

And remember, Think big, clean green!